Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Costa Rica Update Week 6

¡Buenas Tardes!
I apologize that it has been some time since our last post.
Our week in Santa Cruz ended well, with meeting a canadian community service team on friday, going on a canopy tour on saturday, and just spending time with the officers and people from that corps!
We left there sunday evening to come here to San Jose Centro Modelo. It is an A.R.C.. It`s pretty chilly here, and the 60 degree-ish temperatures are playing around with our team and most of us are dealing with soar throats, stuffy noses and coughing, but we aren´t going to let it get us down. In the mornings we go downtown to Refugio Esperanza, it is the feeding center in the heart of the Capital and we love helping out there.
We are loving our last week and really making the best of it. We cannot believe the summer is almost over. God has really worked His way into everything we have done and are doing.


Jean Wilson said...

We have been praying for you all Summer. Glad it has gone well.
The officers from Santa Cruz are here this week visitng family. They spoke well of you and your work.

Hals said...

Today, our arms are tired from it all, but our toes have begun to finally be warm again, and our spirits are unwavering. We want to finish our last few days strong.
Can’t wait to be home soon and share more of our stories with you all. We love you all!
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Unknown said...

Iraqi Dinar
It is amazing post thanks for sharing and just keep up the good work.