We're down to the final days here in Kota Kinabalu! Monday, , and today we spent with the kids here at the daycare/tutoring at the corps youth center. Basically, our time with them has been like this: We help them with basic math and English all morning, get take out for lunch from some place around here, and then play games/watch a movie all afternoon until 4:30 when they go home. They are so much fun, but also full of energy! There are 6 in the morning and 4 in the afternoon, but it takes all of us to keep up with them! Today was our last day with them, so we took them to a park and played there for a while as a treat.
On Tuesday we went to Mount Kinabalu ( the tallest mountain in Malaysia) and hiked trails and went to the hot springs. There was one trail that was actually a canopy walk - like a catwalk through the canopy level of the rainforest. We didn't see much wildlife, but it was a fun experience!
I forgot to mention this: Last week we went to the high school that Captain Mehing works at as a counselor and spent time with the special needs kids and a group that she councils. Even though we only spent a couple of hours there, we had a lot of fun getting to know the kids and came away with a lot of friends and good memories.
This may be the last time I get to write on the blog (at least the last time from Malaysia), so let me say a few things abnout this summer: Our team has worked really well together, and I think we've been doing a good job with everyone helping out whenever anything needed to be done. Perhaps we haven't done many "work projects" - painting, etc. - but since we are the first service team they've had here (if not for ever, at least for a long time), it's been an experiment on both our side and our hosts' to see what we could do and what needed to be done. I think the most important thing we've done this summer is build relationships with the people here. We've made friends everywhere we've gone and hopefully left a good impression on everyone we've met. It's been a good summer!
We've been blessed overall with good health for the majority of this summer, but today was different. Annie, Ben, and Vicki all have food poisoning. Please pray for their quick recovery and the continued health of the rest of us, especially as we'll have a long trip home in a few days, but don't worry! They've been to the clinic and have medicine, and hopefully after taking today off to rest they'll be feeling more like themselves tomorrow.
We miss everyone back at home and can't wait to see you (and the other teams!) in a few days!
We will also miss Malaysia!
Friday, July 21, 2006
Monday, July 17, 2006
Only one more week in Malaysia...how sad!
This past week has been different for us...
On Monday, there were only two kids instead of the usual 6 for tutoring/day care because the van broke down and the others couldn't be picked up. So the kids were given the week off.
Tuesday we painted the outside of the corps. It was dirty work as we had to clean the dust off before painting, but we nearly finished everything that day.
On Wednesday we went to the beach.
Thursday afternoon the girls went to women's fellowship and taught them how to make scrambled eggs and french toast - the french toast was a huge hit! The guys finished us the painting at the corps. That night we took taxis downtown and saw Pirates of the Caribbean.
Friday we went to "the village" - where Captain Mihing's parents live. It's a really rural place, and we took a dirt road to get there. But once there, it was beautiful! we stayed in a lodge place - bedrooms, kitchen, porch - and there was a river flowing by and Mount Kinabalu (the tallest mountain in Malaysia) in the near distance. We spent that day swimming in the river and then had a barbecue that night. We dragged our mattresses out to the porch and slept there under the stars (and yes, some of us now have quite a few mosquito bites!) The next day we lazed around until Captain Jabid arrived with Major Bob, and then we all left for the city. It was a nice time to relax.
Sunday we had the 9:30 meeting - we did praise and worship, Ben and Annie sang, and Josh preached. For dinner we went out to Pizza Hut with Captain Jabid and Major Bob.
That all for now! Leave us some comments! We'll be home in a week! It's hard to believe it!
On Monday, there were only two kids instead of the usual 6 for tutoring/day care because the van broke down and the others couldn't be picked up. So the kids were given the week off.
Tuesday we painted the outside of the corps. It was dirty work as we had to clean the dust off before painting, but we nearly finished everything that day.
On Wednesday we went to the beach.
Thursday afternoon the girls went to women's fellowship and taught them how to make scrambled eggs and french toast - the french toast was a huge hit! The guys finished us the painting at the corps. That night we took taxis downtown and saw Pirates of the Caribbean.
Friday we went to "the village" - where Captain Mihing's parents live. It's a really rural place, and we took a dirt road to get there. But once there, it was beautiful! we stayed in a lodge place - bedrooms, kitchen, porch - and there was a river flowing by and Mount Kinabalu (the tallest mountain in Malaysia) in the near distance. We spent that day swimming in the river and then had a barbecue that night. We dragged our mattresses out to the porch and slept there under the stars (and yes, some of us now have quite a few mosquito bites!) The next day we lazed around until Captain Jabid arrived with Major Bob, and then we all left for the city. It was a nice time to relax.
Sunday we had the 9:30 meeting - we did praise and worship, Ben and Annie sang, and Josh preached. For dinner we went out to Pizza Hut with Captain Jabid and Major Bob.
That all for now! Leave us some comments! We'll be home in a week! It's hard to believe it!
Wednesday, July 12, 2006
A Day in the Life, with Lycra (in Peru)

The Lycra tube is the perfect size
for a puppet-show- tablecloth for our
now infamous puppet shows!

Tammy leads a teen Bible study
in the tube, and even Capt. Rojas joined the fun!

Ah, this is great! Let the fun begin!

Wait, something´s gone horribly wrong.
I think the question we should all be
asking is why are team members taking
pictures while Josie is fighting for her life!

This is how a lot of days end!
If only more things were made of Lycra, maybe we wouldn´t have to spend so much money replacing things we´ve broken. Quick list of things the Peru Knickerbokers have somehow broken: 4 cups, 2 chairs, 1 CD player, 1 glass vase with flowers, 1 ashtray, and 1 wall of a church.
We are all doing great in Chiclayo! The Lord is really working in the team as well as through the team!
Johanna turned 19 on Sunday and we had Pizza Hut, chocolate cake, and neopolitan ice cream! Add in some great services and an awesome team siesta time, and it was a fabulous day!
Cherika, Booth, and Johanna have all given great sermons at meetings at the corps and Tammy will speak tomorrow night.
Hillary & Josie both received their packages yesterday and shared goodies with the team!
We are really excited about our last 2 weeks in Peru, but are also excited to see our families and friends again. Keep us and the work in Peru in your prayers.
Josie & the Peruvian Knickerbockers
Sunday, July 09, 2006
Lots of Malaysia pics
1st Week in Kota Kinabalu
Overall, our first week here in KK has been good. Communication is a little harder than it was in Ipoh because the officers here aren't quite as fluent in English as the ones in Ipoh were. We've made two friends - Michelle, who looks after the daycare/tutoring kids every day and Freddy, who works at the corps - they both speak English well and we spend our free time hanging out with them. They've been so nice to us, taking us around KK and taking us places! On the weekdays we teach the 6 kids at the youth center math and English in the morning, and then play with them all afternoon. It's a long day and can get kind of monotonous (for us), but we try and keep the kids entertained as best we can. It's a big help to Michelle, as she's usually the only one with them all day. Last Friday night we went to a Bible study at some of the corps members' home. It was a small group, but it was fun (although no one translated for most of it) and we played Bible charades and ate food. Driving there we came across some oxen in the road - very exciting! On Saturday Freddy took us to an island (we took a boat out) and rented snorkeling gear and spent the day swimming around the coral with the fish. In the evening we had a praise and worship practice and the girls taught American dances to some of the girls here. The Sunday meeting was from 9:30 to nearly 12:00 - we did a skit and participated in the praise and worship. We had the afternoon off and at night we took a bus with Michelle and went into downtown KK to see the Superman movie (which we really enjoyed!). This week we're back with the daycare kids, and there are only two today since the van broke down yesterday and the others couldn't be picked up. (This van has also been our main source of transportation, so hopefully it will be fixed soon! In the meantime, I think we'll have to become more familiar with the buses and taxis.)
I tried to upload some pictures....but I don't see them on here. We'll try to post them later!
I tried to upload some pictures....but I don't see them on here. We'll try to post them later!
Friday, July 07, 2006

HOLLER...from Peru

Here are some pictures of some activities we have been up to over here in Peru. The computers are reeeeaally slow here so we will try to post a couple pictures each day for the next couple of days. We are in Chiclayo, Peru and will be here until next Thursday when we go to Trujillo for yet another congress. The 11 hour bus ride to Chiclayo was quite a fun-filled one, with Johanna winning BUS BINGO!!
Chiclayo has been great. We have been here a total of 4 days now and its exciting to see God working through the Army here. Unlike Piura, The Salvation Army is much more established here in Chiclayo. They have home league and youth programs and lots and lots of kids! The Youth here are really active in serving the community. It´s been awesome to work with some other young people and to serve together with them.
We are all doing well. No sicknesses at the moment which is just SUPER! We´re having a lot of fun and experiencing God in a real way with these people. We have had a lot of craft activities and devotions with the kids during the day and services with the community at night. Worship is great! We sing lots and lots of songs in SPANISH!! So for the gringas and well, me, we clap and smile!!!
okay well I think im pretty much through updating for the moment. It´s Dinner time!! wild guess, chicken and rice??? No, seriously, we are extremely blessed. The Captains have taken great care of us.
Dios Te Bendiga!!
Booth and....ok, the nicks.
- In His Grip -
Wednesday, July 05, 2006
Well things have been busy here. We had to move last week. Rob and Heather took in two of the neighborhood boys so we had to trade houses with them so they would have enough room for the boys. Can I just say that I very much dislike moving. This move was for a great cause so it was all worth it.
We spend most of our time with the kids of the neighborhood and when we are not with them they are hanging out on our front proch anyways. I have been given the nickname NURSE thanks to Jaime calling me that all the kids do now. Nothing like the bellow of a 12 year old boy yelling NURSE across the neighborhood to get my attention.
We take them to the local pool on Mondays and Fridays. On the other days we do various activites with them. Mostly keeping them from pounding on each other or throwing rocks at anything that doesn't move. When you can get the kids in small groups they are great it is when we have them all together that there is a problem.
We have seen God really working in some of these kids. Just since we have been here there have been changes in some of them. They are learning that kind words get you farther than mean demanding words and that there is a better way to solve problems than with your fists.
Basketball is the main thing there kids do here. Sometimes till wee hours of the morning or until we take away the basketballs and put down the goal. Which we learned to do very quickly if we want any sleep at night.
We are planning a trip to a local amusement park with the kids in a few weeks and also a community picnic. I am very excited aout both events.
Please keep praying for us, pray that the fruits of the spirit will be in full harvest in each of us because we need it every day.
We spend most of our time with the kids of the neighborhood and when we are not with them they are hanging out on our front proch anyways. I have been given the nickname NURSE thanks to Jaime calling me that all the kids do now. Nothing like the bellow of a 12 year old boy yelling NURSE across the neighborhood to get my attention.
We take them to the local pool on Mondays and Fridays. On the other days we do various activites with them. Mostly keeping them from pounding on each other or throwing rocks at anything that doesn't move. When you can get the kids in small groups they are great it is when we have them all together that there is a problem.
We have seen God really working in some of these kids. Just since we have been here there have been changes in some of them. They are learning that kind words get you farther than mean demanding words and that there is a better way to solve problems than with your fists.
Basketball is the main thing there kids do here. Sometimes till wee hours of the morning or until we take away the basketballs and put down the goal. Which we learned to do very quickly if we want any sleep at night.
We are planning a trip to a local amusement park with the kids in a few weeks and also a community picnic. I am very excited aout both events.
Please keep praying for us, pray that the fruits of the spirit will be in full harvest in each of us because we need it every day.
We're in KK!
The Malaysian team arrived in Kota Kinabalu (KK) on Monday night. KK is on the island part of Malaysia - look it up on a map to get a good idea of where we are. The journey here - two planes - was pretty uneventful, which was good. We were met by Captain Jabid and a couple of others and taken straight over to the corps, where about 30 of the corps members gave us the warmest welcome I've ever received. They were shaking our hands, taking pictures, and had us dancing and singing our national anthem within minutes! There was food of course, and it was good! We're staying in a hotel that is a few minutes' walk from the corps. The hotel is nice, but it's right above a kareoke bar, so we hear the singing loud and clear every night. There are mountains here, and the sea is close but we haven't seen it yet. The weather is hot, and so far it hasn't rained. Yesterday we had off to rest, so we spent the time finding places to eat, meeting some people, and then going out to a seafood market for dinner with the Captains, their toddler son, and a couple of others from the corps. Today we spent the morning helping out with tutoring six kids (ages 5-11) at the youth center (the floor below the corps) and then played with them all afternoon. They're still running around now playing with the superballs we gave them.
Our last days in Ipoh were good, and Sunday was our official farewell at the corps (Lindsey preached). We also went to the Old Folks' Home and said goodbye there. Madam Tong and Uncle Eddie gave us a fruit party - there was a platter piled with all kinds of fruit, and we had to eat it all! We did it, and got introduced to a lot of new fruits - rambutan ("hairy fruit"), "cat's eyes," mangostein, guava. Later that night they had us try durian - the strangest fruit any of us have ever had. It smells terrible, and tastes nothing like a fruit - and that's fact, not opinion! It was quite an experience!
We have posted pictures on our Malaysiateam06 blog! Please check them out. There's a funny one of Ben being scared by a monkey!
We have good access to the internet here, so I'll be writing again soon! Also, we miss you friends and family! So comment to us! Keep us in your prayers!
Our last days in Ipoh were good, and Sunday was our official farewell at the corps (Lindsey preached). We also went to the Old Folks' Home and said goodbye there. Madam Tong and Uncle Eddie gave us a fruit party - there was a platter piled with all kinds of fruit, and we had to eat it all! We did it, and got introduced to a lot of new fruits - rambutan ("hairy fruit"), "cat's eyes," mangostein, guava. Later that night they had us try durian - the strangest fruit any of us have ever had. It smells terrible, and tastes nothing like a fruit - and that's fact, not opinion! It was quite an experience!
We have posted pictures on our Malaysiateam06 blog! Please check them out. There's a funny one of Ben being scared by a monkey!
We have good access to the internet here, so I'll be writing again soon! Also, we miss you friends and family! So comment to us! Keep us in your prayers!
Monday, July 03, 2006
The Halfway Point
It´s incredibly hard to believe that half of our trip is over! We had a great two weeks in Piura. The Salvation Army is desperately needed there and we really feel that when the new corps is established it will do well! Johanna gave a devotion on the local Christian radio station in Piura and was amazing!
We were able to visit the beach in Mancora, about 3 hours away from Piura, where we had a wonderful day with the beach pretty much to ourselves. Traveling from Piura to Lima took about 13 hours by bus and while we were a little scared about the bus situation, it was actually pretty fun. The team (and one Peruvian guy who must think we were nuts!) had the bottom of the bus to ourselves for the night. The seats laid almost flat and were really wide!
This weekend The Salvation Army celebrated 96 years in Lima with an anniversary celebration and we were lucky enough to participate. There was an open air in an outdoor mall area Friday night and then meetings Saturday and Sunday with a march on Sunday afternoon. It was a long weekend but everyone had a good time. While in Lima we stayed at DHQ which has officer´s apartments on the upper floors. Our hosts have been amazing! Pretty much the whole weekend we have been eating Pizza Hut, KFC, and Burger King. It´s been great to have a break from all the roasted chicken, white rice, and fries that seem to be the main meal here!
We leave Lima tonight for another long bus ride to Chiclayo where we will be for about 11 days.
The whole team wants to say hi to the Malaysian Persuasion, the Belize Bobsled Team, and the Charlotte group! We are praying for you today.
Josie & The Peruvian Knickerbockers
We were able to visit the beach in Mancora, about 3 hours away from Piura, where we had a wonderful day with the beach pretty much to ourselves. Traveling from Piura to Lima took about 13 hours by bus and while we were a little scared about the bus situation, it was actually pretty fun. The team (and one Peruvian guy who must think we were nuts!) had the bottom of the bus to ourselves for the night. The seats laid almost flat and were really wide!
This weekend The Salvation Army celebrated 96 years in Lima with an anniversary celebration and we were lucky enough to participate. There was an open air in an outdoor mall area Friday night and then meetings Saturday and Sunday with a march on Sunday afternoon. It was a long weekend but everyone had a good time. While in Lima we stayed at DHQ which has officer´s apartments on the upper floors. Our hosts have been amazing! Pretty much the whole weekend we have been eating Pizza Hut, KFC, and Burger King. It´s been great to have a break from all the roasted chicken, white rice, and fries that seem to be the main meal here!
We leave Lima tonight for another long bus ride to Chiclayo where we will be for about 11 days.
The whole team wants to say hi to the Malaysian Persuasion, the Belize Bobsled Team, and the Charlotte group! We are praying for you today.
Josie & The Peruvian Knickerbockers
Belize is off to Camp!
That's right, well be traveling to Succotz today for Youth/Home League Camp today. We have spent one whole week in the villiage of Georgeville doing VBS and various work projects. It has been amazing serving alongside Captains Mark and Vicki Gilden who are serving here as missionaries from the Western Territory. They are incredible people and are doing an amazing job here. Remember them and their three daughters in your prayers today.
We've had our fair share of trips to the hospital this week. Val, Alyce, and Leo are recovering well from their respective illnesses and the rest of the group is doing great as well.
Yesterday afternoon we drove back into Belize City to march in a parade celebrating 91 years of the Salvation Army in Belize. We then came back to Georgeville for the night meeting during which I got to enroll 3 junior soldiers! That was a HUGE honor for me, and I am grateful to the Gildens for allowing me to be a part of their corps family.
That's all the time we have for an update at the moment. When we get back from camp, we'll try to squeeze in some more details.
Much love!
We've had our fair share of trips to the hospital this week. Val, Alyce, and Leo are recovering well from their respective illnesses and the rest of the group is doing great as well.
Yesterday afternoon we drove back into Belize City to march in a parade celebrating 91 years of the Salvation Army in Belize. We then came back to Georgeville for the night meeting during which I got to enroll 3 junior soldiers! That was a HUGE honor for me, and I am grateful to the Gildens for allowing me to be a part of their corps family.
That's all the time we have for an update at the moment. When we get back from camp, we'll try to squeeze in some more details.
Much love!
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